Fair Trading Company
Fair Trade is peacebuilding! 

    Fair Price to Producer
    Ecological Sustainability

Our Niche is Participatory and Appreciative Fair Trade
    Participatory Market Dynamics
    Participatory Community Planning
    Participatory Certification CCommunity%20Planning.htmlshapeimage_2_link_0
CaLaTHUS llc practices Appreciative Inquiry and Participatory Project Management.

Corporations are not inherently bad, only their business model

“In their dealings with corrupt dictators in developing countries, Pogge [a philosopher at Columbia University], asserts international corporations are not better than someone who knowingly buys stolen goods- with the difference that the legal and political order recognizes the corporations.  This situation is beneficial for the industrial nations [and its unwitting citizens], because it enables us to obtain the raw materials we need to maintain our prosperity, but it is a disaster for resource-rich developing countries, turning the wealth that should benefit them into a curse that leads to a cycle of coups, civil wars, ....and is of little benefit to the people as a whole...Some of the extremely poor, most of whom live in sub-Saharan Africa, have nothing to sell that rich people want, while other lack the infrastructure to get their goods to market. If they can get their crops to a port, European and U.S. subsidies often mean that they cannot sell them...22 cents for every  $100 the nation[U.S-half the percentage of GNI as the U.K.] earns....Worse still, much of it is directed where it best suits U.S. strategic interests....Less than a quarter of official U.S. development aid–barely a nickel in every $100 of our G.N.I. –goes to the world’s poorest nations.  Unconstrained by diplomatic considerations or the desire to swing votes at the United Nations, private donors can more easily avoid dealing with corrupt or wasteful governments.  They can go directly into the field, working with local villages and grass-roots organizations...Wheat for Africa must be grown in America, although aid experts say this often depresses local African markets, reducing the incentive for farmers there to produce more.

Peter Singer 
professor of bioethics
Center for Human Values
New York Times 
December 17, 2006OAAppreciative%20%20Inquiry.htmlOAParticipatory%20Practices.htmlhttp://www.nytimes.com/shapeimage_4_link_0shapeimage_4_link_1shapeimage_4_link_2
CaLaTHUS LLC proposes to strengthen poverty alleviation without losing sight of the essence of healthy communities.   The CaLaTHUS fair trade model employs participatory development principles at the core of a “for-profit” alternative E-Bay marketplace.  

In the labeling of fair trade merchandise, standards of peacebuilding, ecological integrity and poverty alleviation are not adequately measured, if measured at all.  Four factors will be central to the CaLaTHUS certification program:  participation, peacebuilding, ecosystem sustainability and sense of community (sociocultural integrity). 

Participatory and Appreciative Progress
This “for-profit” fair trade co-op will be differentiated by the role of brokers as participatory facilitators.  Brokers will facilitate local participatory dialogue.  Foundational to this dialogue is community self- inquiry on the meaning  of “progress.”  Progress – as we all know – falls short if it is simplistically measured as purchasing power. The effect of increased local cash flow merits calibration against historical analysis, reflection, and case review.  Enter appreciative inquiry, which offers a clear method by which to calibrate any venture against the end game of wellness, happiness and peacefulness. 

The future is in sustainable business.  The niche exists to develop thriving channels of distribution predicated on equitable and certifiable local self-development.  Self-development is the capacity to engage the global marketplace with one’s own resources and capital for local benefit.  Initial product specialization by CalaTHUS LLC is under study.  Note the global market for fair trade is substantial.  

Global Fair Trade Sales
    2000       220 million euros
    2003       555 million euros
    2005       1.1 billion euros

Principal Commodities Traded  
    sugar, cotton, cocoa, and coffee

CaLaTHUS Business Model 
Participatory development aid workers will serve as first point of contact and in community capacity building (our first tier “brokers”) for a fair trade direct approach with an internet auction framework.  Producing communities can ship directly to consumers in the U.S.  Fair trade direct offers a greater profit margin for producers than does conventional fair trade.  That difference substantially improves local livelihood and the tide of immigration.  We will also develop other distribution channels including warehouse to wholesale if that generates greater revenues for exporting communities.  We will equitably expand the demand and supply side in fair trade.  Raising consumer awareness will be at the core of our marketing program.
Myriem Le Ferrand continues to refine the business model with experts in IT, UN development programming, USAID contracting, fair trade, peacebuilding, commodity exchange, fossil fuels, participatory development, and corporate strategy. OAParticipatory%20Practices.htmlOAParticipatory%20Practices.htmlOAParticipatory%20Practices.htmlOAAppreciative%20%20Inquiry.htmlhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainable_businessCalathus%20Home.htmlhttp://communityagroecology.net/fairtradedirect.htm#Who%20We%20Are-Contact%20Info.htmlAdvisory%20Network.htmlshapeimage_5_link_0shapeimage_5_link_1shapeimage_5_link_2shapeimage_5_link_3shapeimage_5_link_4shapeimage_5_link_5shapeimage_5_link_6shapeimage_5_link_7shapeimage_5_link_8
Copyright CALATHUS, LLC © 2007
Image Credits (this page left to right): imagineanimals.com, www.fairtrade.org.uk,
PDphoto, www.public-domain-photos.com, penelope.uchicago.edu,, Fotolia
Countries w/ % of population living on less than  $1/day
all countries are not reported
Developing Countries
does not include least developed nations
CaLaTHUS LLC is carefully searching for the right founding investor for our Fair Trade concept.  Venture funding for internet startups is quite economical at generally less than $250k.  See VentureBeat for details.

During the period February through May 2007, CaLaTHUS LLC is expecting to raise $20k in a seed round.  A limited number of shares will be available. Other shares are reserved for start-up employees. 

In our seed round, ten shares are available at $2000 each.  A share NOW provides the option to buy one percent of CaLaTHUS LLC in two years at $5,000 (that is, for an additional $3,000. 

Please contact Myriem Le Ferrand for details.  http://venturebeat.com/2006/11/01/charles-river-ventures-introduces-friendly-convertible-seed-roundmailto:myriem@ecoisp.comshapeimage_7_link_0shapeimage_7_link_1
Investment Opportunity *E-volution is a placeholder; trade name in development. Reaching the Millenium 
Development Goals!  
(2015 target)
    Reducing by half the proportion 
           of people that live in hunger; 

     Reducing by half the number of people 
           without sustainable drinking water; and,

     . . . education and public health goals.
[T]he point ... is to promote human evolution by looking at the construction of reality. In this way, we might move toward a “new synthesis of the world that can be. 
Cooperrider and Srivastva 
on Appreciative Inquiryhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_CooperriderOAAppreciative%20%20Inquiry.htmlshapeimage_13_link_0shapeimage_13_link_1
contact usWho%20We%20Are-Contact%20Info.htmlshapeimage_16_link_0
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